ICCA ranks Montréal first (once again) in North America!

published on May 23, 2024
Industry News and Leaders Tourisme Montréal: News and People What's New in Montréal

Since its founding in 1963, the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) has kept tabs on and formed connections between top meeting venues and host cities around the world. And once again, Montréal ranks first in international association meetings in North America. This is our eighth consecutive year ranked as #1.

Our city’s unique blend of innovation and joie de vivre outpaced other leading cities like Toronto, Boston, Chicago and Miami. Over the course of 2023, 64 international associations chose Montréal, filling the calendar at venues like the trend-setting Palais des congrès de Montréal, the city’s universities and other unique and innovative event spaces. Those events brought thousands of attendees who experienced Montréal’s cozy hotels and patented hospitality.

Eight years of excellence

At a moment when the tourism industry is surpassing its pre-pandemic peaks, Montréal is confirming its place as a leading figure in North America based on the total number of events held. But not only that — it’s also worth noting that Montréal ranks 7th in the world for the number of participants.

This resounding success is the result of the close collaboration between Tourisme Montréal and the Palais des congrès de Montréal as well as the common vision shared by all of the city’s stakeholders. Thanks to their dynamism, their know-how and their dedication to service excellence, these teams have contributed to hosting around 30 major events such as the Annual Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis with 5,300 delegates, the International Council of Nurses World Congress with 4,900 delegates and the InCyber Forum with 2,500 delegates.

Over the year, more than 870,000 Canadian and international visitors and delegates were welcomed to Montréal in 2023. In total, 475 business events took place, including 288 at the Palais des congrès alone, contributing to economic impacts of around $425 million for Montréal and Quebec. 

A city that works for you

Why did Montréal continue to rank so high once again? Because of invested partners like Tourisme Montréal and a whole network of stakeholders across the city that works collaboratively to maintain Montréal’s status as one of the top cities in the world for meetings and events. The network includes the local convention centre, hotel partners and a few other suppliers. We’re called Business Events Montréal. 

The Montréal advantage 

We’re proud to lead the pack when it comes to international meetings in North America, and there’s a few local advantages that make our city unlike any other that we’d like to make a little noise about. 

Come and see what all the fuss is about.


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