Innovative manufacturing in Québec: What is being made?

published on October 29, 2020
What's New in Montréal Trends and Technology

In the province of Québec, manufacturing is big business. Québec contributes approximately one-fourth of Canada’s total manufacturing output. Over the past couple of decades, we’ve witnessed a transformation in the type of products that we manufacture. In the 1900s, products such as petroleum, aluminum, and coal were mainstays in the economy. While we still manufacture raw materials and physical goods, the notable shift is in the manufacturing of knowledge and experiences: technology, entertainment, research, and more.

The metropolitan Montréal region is a manufacturing success story for a variety of reasons: its collaborative environment in industrial automation, its cutting-edge technologies, its strategic location, and its highly qualified talent pool.

What exactly is being manufactured in Québec?

We’re glad you asked. Manufacturing is the second-largest industry in the province, with 500,000 direct jobs. In short, we’re makers.

Aircrafts. Québec is one of the largest exporters of aircrafts and helicopters in the world. Aerospace and smart transportation manufacturing with over 6,200 companies and 74,000 jobs, and approximately 80% of this production is exported. We help the world move.

Food. Over 1,500 companies are involved in the production of food. The food industry has $17.2B value of shipments. We feed a lot of mouths.

Fashion. Québec is the third-largest fashion manufacturing hub in North America. Approximately 1,800 companies in Québec generate sales of $8B. We help people keep warm and look stylish.

Video games. Québec is the largest producer of video games in Canada, making such games as the Assassins’ Creed series, Raider, Hitman, and more. With over 140 studios in Montréal alone, the video game industry has annual expenditures of well over a billion dollars. We entertain the world.

Energy. The public-owned power company, Hydro-Québec, generates 99% clean, renewable energy. With a green and stable supply of low-cost hydropower, Greater Montréal ranks first place in North America for the lowest electricity prices for large-power customers. Electricity is also exported to portions of the Northeast United States. We’ve got power.

Other manufacturing outputs include robotics, pharmaceuticals, software, entertainment, AI, paper products, and more.

Investing in Montréal

Businesses choosing to invest in Montréal benefit from the lowest operating costs of any major metropolitan region in Canada and the United States. Plus, they can receive advantageous tax incentives. In fact, there are a variety of tailor-made incentives to support investment projects. If you’re interested in Montréal, start a conversation with a representative from Montréal International, who incidentally just won “best economic development agency in the world” from the International Economic Development Council!


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