The world’s largest ecological meeting is coming to Montréal

published on June 9, 2022
What's New in Montréal Green meetings

The world’s largest community of professional ecologists — known as the Ecological Society of America — has selected Montréal for their 2022 annual meeting. The Society’s Annual Meeting attracts 4,000 attendees and features the most recent advances in ecological science. The event will run from Sunday through Friday, August 14-19, at Montréal’s convention centre.

What is the Ecological Society of America?

Founded in 1915, the ESA is not only the world’s largest community of professional ecologists and a trusted source of ecological knowledge, but they are also committed to advancing the understanding of life on Earth. The 9,000-member Society publishes five journals and a membership bulletin and broadly shares ecological information through policy, media outreach, and education initiatives.

This year’s meeting theme

The 2022 edition of the annual meeting presents a joint collaboration between the resources and interests of both the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution and the Ecological Society of America. The theme for the event is “a change is gonna come.” Here’s a portion of the statement that dives deeper into the theme:

“Change will incessantly persist at varying rates and intensities, and with varying consequences. But the outstanding question lies in knowing what changes are required now to foster desired future outcomes… Ecology is facing a disciplinary reckoning. Therefore, where we go and how we get there must be a collective enterprise built on principles that broaden participation, promote equity, and diversify metrics of impact.”

Read the full statement on this year’s annual meeting…

Meeting highlights

Many of the biggest names in ecology and conservation will be presenting at the event in Montréal. Attendees can listen to talks from:

Dr. Leroy Little Bear. Little Bear’s lifetime of accomplishment includes some of the most important political achievements for Indigenous peoples in Canada and around the world.

Professor Gerardo Ceballos. The distinguished environmental scientist has a legacy of pioneering and extraordinarily diverse ecological and conservation research, his unparalleled efforts to bring ecological knowledge to bear on crucial societal issues, and much more!

Dr. Alexa Sutton Lawrence. As Vice President of Conservation, Justice & Equity, she is leading and guiding the organization’s expansion of work in all areas of ocean justice.

And many more! See the full list of speakers here…

Some of the themes and ideas to be explored include (and are certainly not limited to):

  • Indigenizing rangeland management: Transitioning a Westernized science discipline into something meaningful for Tribal communities
  • Why the postage stamp approach to conservation is not working: Lessons from Indigenous science and complex systems science and the imperative for change.
  • Exploring future food systems in the context of emerging zoonotic diseases using scenario exploration
  • From California to New York, advancing landscape ecology through public park design
  • Resilience planning through an urban ecology framework


Cheat Sheet

Event: 2022 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America

Host: Ecological Society of America

Dates: 14-19 August 2022

Venue: Palais des congrès de Montréal (convention centre)


Twitter: @ESA_org


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